Tech Global

How Google Made $4.7 Billion from the News Industry?

The tech giant Google has made $4.7 billion from the news industry in the US just by displaying ads! Here is how Google made money from the news industry.

Most revenue of Google come from digital ads.

There are millions of website which are affiliated with Google by joining Google Adsense. This allows the website owner to promote Google Ads on his/her website.

In most of the countries Google takes 40% and the website owner gets 60% from the ad revenue.

There are many websites of news that have millions of regular visitors. By showing ad to them, both the news publisher company and Google make money.

How Google Made Money from the News Industry:

According to the New York Times, Google has made $4.7 billion in 2018 just from news articles and search.

Here, we have not considered Youtube ads and other than news industry.

On the other side, the whole news industry has made $5.1 billion in 2018.

The news industry includes journalist, art director, technical writer, translator/interpreter and so on. All these people by which the news industry works made only $5.1 billion from the digital advertisements.

Generally, for most the news and media company, advertisements are the primary source of income.

While writing any news related article, one has to do a lot of analysis. In the news industry, there are many employees whose task is to check and validate the news.

So, it’s a long process for publishing a single article.

Google never produces news but the company is making billions of dollars from displaying ads on the popular news website.

Also read: How Google is Planning to Change the Gaming Industry

As there are more companies promoting their business via digital ads, Google will continue to make more money and the news industry is facing a huge competition because of individual content creators.

The revenue of $4.7 billion came from the US only. Just imagine what would be the revenue if we consider the European Union and Asian countries.

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Anuj Vohra

Hi , I am Anuj Vohra. I write articles about technology, economics, and business case studies at

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Anuj Vohra

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