Categories: Sites To Surf

Five Sites To Surf When Bored

We generally get bored from our routine life. For the refreshment purpose, we are using social media for our entertainment. But even after not finding any interesting stuff on Facebook, Instagram or twitter we get frustrated.

There are many sites available to surf(search) that will help you to pass time and also give you knowledge and information about a particular topic.

We generally get bored refreshing our newsfeed of Facebook and Instagram.

After visiting all these 5 sites, you will get to know about some amazing stuff is available on the internet. 

By using all this site once, you will realize there are a lot of creative and useful things on the internet. We just need to search for something really interesting.

5 Sites to Surf when Bored:

Product Hunt is a website that lets users share and discover new products. This site will give you all the information on the newly released products.

Mostly it contains technology, games, books, marketing, artificial intelligence, photography, internet of things etc. You can also create an account on this website.

If you just want some specific topics then you can subscribe to the newsletter.

Big Think is a platform that includes interviews, multimedia presentations, and discussions with speakers from a range of fields.

It contains videos, articles, playlist, expert talks and podcast of some interesting topics such as science, personal growth, mind & brain, sex & relationship, technology & innovation, culture & religion and politics.

You can also subscribe to newsletters for daily updates via email.


Google Trends is awesome service by Google which is based on google search. Where you can easily get the trending topic of a particular country.

Not only trending topics but trending search is also available.

Moreover, a sister company of google Youtube is also connected with this service. It also includes the category in which business, entertainment, health, science & technology and sports are available.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a media organization which posts talks online for free distribution, under the slogan “ideas worth spreading”. 

TED is a massively popular platform where a speaker will have to describe his/her visions in a specific field in a few minutes.

 You can also subscribe youtube channel or newsletters. The app is also available.

Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its community of users.

Creating an account in quora is the best thing to communicate with the experts in your field.

You have lots of topics to follow. You can ask questions and also share your opinions by answering. Searching questions on Quora better than searching questions on Google!

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Thank You 

Anuj Vohra

Hi , I am Anuj Vohra. I write articles about technology, economics, and business case studies at

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  • This site should alsobbe included in this list.. 😅 Actually, i was bored and so decided to read your blogs and it lead me to this article which will again help me to overcome my boredom. I cannot thank you enough.. Great work Anuj..😄

Published by
Anuj Vohra

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